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Responsible Living for the Future (Gp A)

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Available Online

An absolute 'Must Do' course for all, at any stage of life.

180 British pounds

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Service Description

How many of us have really considered the way we live and what would happen if we died tomorrow, or even in a minute? The truth is we have little control over when we die. This is not a morbid conversation to have, but a very real one. Having also worked as a Funeral Celebrant this past year year I am yet to meet a family or NOK (Next of Kin) that is not overwhelmed by just the funeral arrangements alone. We are not taught this at school or at any other juncture along our lives - it often lands in our laps and on our plates at the most unexpected moments. Alongside the funeral arrangements you have to simultaneously deal with your own emotional process; making official notifications of the death; clearing and sorting out the deceased's house; trying to close bank accounts, online media and company accounts; the list goes on. All the while, life goes on, juggling your own work and family lives. It can be a heavy physical, emotional and psychological load. If we truly love one another why would we leave this for them to deal with and manage in this way, when in truth it is completely unnecessary? As a society we rarely talk about death. It is often feared. But by burying our heads in the sand we are not taking responsibility for ourselves or our passage through life. 'You want to leave something that is worthwhile after your passing? Leave behind a trail of pure love.' In this course we will cover practical and meaningful ways of living day-to-day in your home and your work spaces. We will delve into the topic of 'death' and what that means to us and how that may look for us. We will explore options available for us to deal with the process in a super simple and light hearted way. We will 'get stuff done' in this course - it is both practical as well as profound on every level. Alongside the five 90 minute sessions we will complete the week's topic giving you tangible results. Each session will have an accompanying handout with notes and scope for further personal development and exploration, and you will be granted access to a private facebook group where you can discuss and share with each other throughout the process. Above all else you will have fun and you will be clear in the knowing of what else is needed to complete this process, if it is not already done. I very much look forward to being with you all soon. With much love, Jenny

Contact Details

00 44 7855 302123

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