Terms & Conditions
Welcome to working with me, I am very much looking forward to the process and our journey together.
Please read the following carefully because by booking your place,
you agree to the session and workshop terms and conditions.
These sessions are inspirational and sought-after. It’s important that when you book you are serious about taking up your place as a commitment to yourself, to me the host and so that others do not miss out on the opportunity themselves.
I understand that occasionally you may need to cancel your place. If you cancel within one month of the session/workshop, your payment will not be refunded and you will incur a 100% charge.
You may send someone in your place if you wish to, but you must let me know of your intention to do this at the time of your cancellation.
Whilst I keep a wait list, I will not refund your course fee if you are unable to attend: even if I fill the place.
It’s essential you are committed to attending this workshop and that you only sign up with this commitment in mind.
You understand that any services undertaken are done so of your own free will. You accept that the ultimate responsibility for your health care is your own. You assume full responsibility for any manner of loss, injury, claim or damage whatsoever, known or unknown, incurred as a result your attendance and/or participation in these events and/or sessions.
All course material, workshop content and marketing literature is protected. In simple terms you may not copy it.
Is to be made upon request and your place will only be confirmed upon receipt.